Lorena G is all about feeling that lingerie on her silky smooth skin while she is in this voyeur fitting-room
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Lorena G | My Perverted Colleague

Lorena G is a 32 year old hottie from Spain, and if you don't like her, there has to be something wrong. She is drop dead gorgeous and probably one of the nicest girls you ever want to meet. The fortunate thing about her is that she is always horny, she has a lingerie fetish that is equal to none, no one can touch her. Here she is in the fitting-room in a voyeur scene, trying on lingerie and panties.


Markat commented 6 years ago


Fluffer_ commented 6 years ago


Those white pants look really good on her, even if they are of poor quality! I'm speaking of course about the button falling of... I wonder what Lorena is saying after she picks it up?

Anyway, a fun video!