Lorena G comes to the fitting-room for some anal play with her blue dildo, while watching herself in the mirror.
Lorena G | You Can't Imagine How Tight Is Her Asshole This video is a premium video uploaded by Admin. Only active members can watch premium videos.

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Lorena G | You Can't Imagine How Tight Is Her Asshole

Lorena G loves anal sex and here she is in our fitting-room with her blue dildo giving herself some good anal play after she tries on a few pairs of panties. She is always up for some anal, no matter who is outside that curtain that is the only thing keeping her and the rest of the store apart, which to her, is a turn on on its own. It's the next best thing to public masturbation


M2rt2F1ts commented 4 months ago

«Oh Lorena, with that ass made for a thong. And that toy looks so good inside her.»

Rydars commented 1 year ago


yannick commented 6 years ago

«more Lorena!!!
very very so sexy woman

FR admin commented 6 years ago

«Hello fluffer,

thank you for your interesting message. That's exactly what we expect from our community. You nailed it!
Well, your short film subject sounds very intriguing and it would deserve to be developed. Who knows?! Actually we have not planned to create anything outside the fitting room, but we'll think about it.

Also, regarding the suspension of disbelief, well... our idea is models are playing, but not for an audience, but for themselves. They are alone in that room and can only see themselves; and you should feel as "lucky audience" that secretly spy their private moments.

That's the concept. Don't you like it?! :)